The EKOTECH Group remains among the main sponsors of KS Pałac Bydgoszcz


The EKOTECH Group will continue its cooperation with the Sports Club Pałac Bydgoszcz – by prolonging the sponsorship agreement it remains among the club’s main sponsors.

The team of Pałac Bydgoszcz was founded in 1982, since the beginning of the 90s it ranks in the volleyball first league. In the new season, the senior team will be led by a new coach – Piotr Matela. Current information about the team can be found on the new Instagram team profile.

We are pleased by the successes of the Bydgoszcz Palace players and those smaller and larger, but the real satisfaction gives us the awareness that our support contributes to promoting the idea of ​​sport, in particular among children and adolescents. Supporting broadly understood physical culture is one of the important areas of corporate social responsibility of the EKOTECH Group. This is mainly because we like sports and we are happy to even symbolically support activities motivating kids to physical activity. With great optimism, we look at such Club initiatives as invitations to train young volleyball players and volleyball players” – Kamil Szczygielski, CEO of the EKOTECH Group

Until the start of the new season 2018/2019, which opens in November there are a few more weeks ahead, but already in September the team has three friendly tournaments planned: in Poznań, Świecie and Bobolice.

The first match in women’s volleyball league 2018/2019 will be played by the girls in Lodz with local LKS on November 3rd .