The conference “Ashes from Power Generation” and a series of events as part of Circular Week
The last few days have been full of events and meetings that we hope will result in even-greater awareness of the public and of authorities in the area of circular economy, including the potential that lies in energy by-products.
On 8-10 October, we participated in the conference “Ashes from Power Generation”, which is a unique platform for the exchange of the opinions and experiences of scientists and professionals from the coal energy sector, as well as from enterprises involved in energy by-products.
“As a side effect of coal burning, ashes often simply end up in landfill. This is a huge waste of a raw material that can be used, for example, in road construction. As members of the Polish Coal Combustion Products Union, we’re trying to change this”, said Kamil Szczygielski, President of the Management Board of the EKOTECH Group. “The effects can be seen, among others, in the document ‘Roadmap for transformation towards a circular economy”, which was recently adopted by the Council of Ministers. And it’s this document and the regulatory actions specified therein supporting the use of energy by-products from the energy sector that were part of the topics discussed during this year’s conference”, he added.
More information about the circular economy Roadmap and its downloadable content are available here.
Our company – the EKOTECH Group – has also become a strategic partner of Circular Week, which is a series of events organised in selected European cities on 7-13 October. They culminated in the Mazovia Circular Congress in Warsaw, which saw the participation of international experts and professionals in the field of circular economy. Addressing the idea of such an economic model and highlighting practical solutions that can be implemented at individual, corporate and state levels is extremely important.
Can Polish coal energy be waste-free in the future? In our opinion, it can!