Club of Rome‘s report finally in Polish
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome, a reactive think-tank dealing with contemporary socio-economic problems, the Polish version of the report “Come On!” saw the daylight – The last publication of the Club. The authors focus on political and social solutions that, in the era of growing social tensions and the ongoing degradation of the natural environment, are to lead to more sustainable development.
The Polish edition of the report entitled „Ejże! Kapitalizm, krótkowzroczność, populacja i zniszczenie planety” is a join undertaking of the Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology and the EKOTECH Group, which is the patron of the publication. “Our activity is in line with the assumptions of a sustainable economy, which is also mentioned by the authors of the Report. That we decided to get involved in publishing the Polish edition of the Report, hoping that it will contribute to the promotion of the idea of a more sustainable industry and conscious consumption.” – said Kamil Szczygielski, CEO of the EKOTECH Group.
The work was edited by dr Anders Wijkman and Ernst von Weizsäcker. Dr Anders Wijkman from 2012 is a co-chairman – together with Professor Ernst von Weizsäcker – of the Club of Rome; Chair of the Governing Board of Association Climate-KIC – public-private partnership at the EU level, dealing with promoting innovation in a low-carbon society. Ernst von Weizsäcker is a biologist, a leading German expert in resource efficiency, involved in scientific and political activities.
The publication is an overview of current trends and mechanisms prevailing in the economy and politics, global challenges such as overpopulation in the world and the need to stop its growth. The authors also ask questions about whether humanity has already missed the opportunity to meet climate goals. They also refer to problems related to the implementation of a sustainable economy. In addition to general questions, they also propose specific solutions, such as, for example, alternative measures relating to GDP.
As the Report’s authors point out, “in order to be able to meet the Paris goals, the world must undergo a rapid and in-depth transformation of its production and consumption systems. To avoid exceeding the 2°C target, the global coal’s carbon intensity must be reduced by at least 6.2% per year.”
The Publisher is involved in the distribution of the Report: Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology. If you are interested, please contact: biuro@ibs.pw.edu.pl
About the Club of Rome
The Club of Rome is an independent, non-governmental non-profit NGO organization, the international think tank type. As they write about themselves: “It bases its own experience on the knowledge of its members. People from all regions of the world, different cultures and histories, from different fields of science, public order and from academic centers, civil society and the corporate sector. Since its inception (fifty years ago), it has been developing models of interdisciplinary analysis, dialogue and action in the fundamental systemic challenges that are necessary in determining the future of humanity. ”